Friday 27 June 2008

TMZ TV Tonite -- Bleach, Beaches and B*tches

On TMZ TV tonight -- Hulk Hogan's ogling his daughter's goodies, Tori Spelling's desperate for a crotch rocket, and Shauna Sand says she's afraid of a little prick (puh-lease!).

Check local listings.

See Also

Monday 23 June 2008

Gomez Makes Virginity Vow

Disney star Selena Gomez has become the latest teen celebrity to promise celibacy before marriage. The 15-year-old actress, who has been dubbed the new Miley Cyrus, joins The Jonas Brothers in going public with her plans to abstain from sex until marriage. Gomez has revealed she told her father to buy her a `promise ring' so she can make her virginity vow official. She says, "He went to the church and got it (ring) blessed. He actually used me as an example for other kids. I'm going to keep my promise to myself, to my family and to God."

See Also

Sunday 8 June 2008

Die Ladiner

Die Ladiner   
Artist: Die Ladiner



Beuge Dich Vor Grauem Haar   
 Beuge Dich Vor Grauem Haar

   Year: 2006   
Tracks: 12

Erinnerung An Mama   
 Erinnerung An Mama

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 12

Allein In Einsamkeit   
 Allein In Einsamkeit

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 12


Sex And The City - Zellweger Picks Noth For New Film

SEX AND THE CITY star CHRIS NOTH has been handpicked by RENEE ZELLWEGER to star in forthcoming movie MY ONE AND ONLY.

The actor was personally recommended for the role by Zellweger, who plays a woman looking for a wealthy man to support her family.

Britain's Heat magazine reports that Noth will play her love interest, a retired military doctor, in the film which is released next year (09).

Shooting on the project, directed by Richard Loncraine, reportedly begins this month (Jun08).

See Also

Thomas Fanger and Jan Siebert

Thomas Fanger and Jan Siebert   
Artist: Thomas Fanger and Jan Siebert

Electronic: Progressive


Klerasol  Ep   
 Klerasol Ep

   Year: 1995   
Tracks: 3

Floating Analogics   
 Floating Analogics

   Year: 1995   
Tracks: 6


Stallone considering more Rambo, Rocky sequels

Sylvester Stallone is considering scripts for further sequels in his 'Rocky' and 'Rambo' franchises, despite vowing never to revive either of the legendary characters again.
The action star has signed a multimillion dollar deal to direct and star in two new action films, which may feature his two best known characters.
The actor will again link-up with 'Rambo' producers Danny Dimbort, Avi Lerner and Trevor Short of Nu Image/Millennium Films following the success of his recent films 'John Rambo' and 'Rocky Balboa'.
He told the Hollywood Reporter: "The past year and a half of working with Avi, his partners Danny and Trevor and his film family has been nothing but a high point for me and my career and an extremely rewarding experience. Avi is a real gentleman and a man of his word."
Stallone's 2006 film 'Rocky Balboa' grossed $70m, while the fourth instalment in the 'Rambo' franchise took $18.2m in its opening weekend in the US last month.
The 61-year-old is also separately working on a remake of the 1974 vigilante drama 'Death Wish'.

'I'd Do Anything' Winner Jodie Prenger: 'Success Won't Change Me'

Jodie PrengerI'd Do Anything winner Jodie Prenger says that success won't change her.

The 28-year-old, who on Saturday won a �100,000 deal to star as Nancy in the West End, says that despite her windfall, she won't be making any extravagant purchases.

She explains, "I love my bargains and I'll have to buy a new pair of shoes but they won't be Jimmy Choos. I'll be going through the sale racks as I've always done.

"I've got a fake Louis Vuitton bag and maybe I could afford a new one but I don't want to be paying all that money. I could buy 100 bags for the same price.

"I love the local pound shop and each time I go in my mum rolls her eyes but you can buy 10 of everything in there. I got some great fake tan in there once so I need to go back.

"The only thing I really want to buy is a massive, massive thank you card for the whole of the UK. And if I get time off, I'll splash out in the pound shop, River Island and 'Primani'."

See Also

Report: O'Reilly Was "Unleashed" Against Nbc, Ge

Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes phoned NBC chief Jeff Zucker last summer and threatened to "unleash" Bill O'Reilly against NBC and its parent, General Electric, unless Zucker reigned in MSNBC host Keith Olbermann, who was regularly attacking O'Reilly (as "the worst person in the world") and Ailes himself, the Washington Post reported today (Monday). The complaints were later echoed in phone calls to Zucker from Rupert Murdoch, chairman of News Corp, which owns Fox News, the Post said. After the appeals failed, O'Reilly began an assault on GE chief Jeffrey Immelt, accusing him and his company of supporting the Iranian government. "If my child were killed in Iraq, I would blame the likes of Jeffrey Immelt," O'Reilly said during one broadcast. GE spokesman Gary Sheffer insisted that "nothing we supply ... to Iran is in any way endangering U.S. troops." He said that News Corp execs "tell us if the attacks on O'Reilly end, the attacks on GE will end."

See Also

Will Smith - Hancock World Premiere Scrapped

The world premiere of WILL SMITH's new film HANCOCK has been scrapped because the final print of the film won't be ready in time.

Smith and co-star Charlize Theron were planning to fly to Sydney, Australia for the film's first screening on 10 June (08), but a print delay has scuppered the plans.

According to the Sydney Daily Telegraph newspaper, Hancock's world premiere is now scheduled for France a week later.

See Also

Laura Barton on Bruce Springstein

From up in the stands we watch them punching the air, arms flung towards the stage, like salmon leaping upstream. Manchester, Old Trafford, about 60,000 people crammed into a football stadium on a drizzly Wednesday evening to watch Bruce Springsteen. I have smuggled in a small bottle of brandy, concealed in my brassiere, and my friend and I are numb-lipped and giddy surveying the scene below: a family of three dancing to No Surrender with fists aloft and jumpers tied round their waists, and a man in a leather jacket twirling around and around and around on the wet ground.

Later, standing down before the stage with the sky a greenish-blue and the rain freckling our faces and Springsteen skimming from Born to Run to Rosalita to Dancing in the Dark, my friend turns to me and says: "I have never been happier than right now this minute." From the stage, the Boss is yelling out at the crowd: "Meet the house-rockin', pants-droppin', earth-shakin', hard-rockin', booty-shakin', love-makin', heart-breakin', soul-cryin' and, yes, death-defyin' legendary E Street Band!" And the distant slopes of the stadium echo back: "E Street Band!" He is a man shouting at mountains.

Springsteen has the curious power to make an arena seem no bigger than the back room of a pub; he is a bottle labelled Drink Me. And though the gestures he makes are larger than life, they can seem surprisingly intimate. You know, of course, that this is performance, spectacle, impeccable showmanship - that the written requests from the front row, so nonchalantly shoved in his jeans' back pocket, pay homage to the cover of Born in the USA; and that the seemingly spontaneous sprints across the length of the stage are largely contrived for the cameras that beam his every move up on to ginormous screens behind him - but the thing about Springsteen is that you still believe him, for he is the god of small things.

This is a strangely rare trait in live music, be it played in stadium or scrotty bar. It can be hard, sometimes, to escape the nagging suspicion that the performer up there on the great stage before you is 80ft tall and revelling in his grandness, in being the biggest person in the room. On those occasions it is easy to believe that bands are merely making grand gestures, delivering the same broad-stroked set, the same banter, the same well-rehearsed crowd-surfing, beer-spitting, blood-spurting enormous rock-out that they presented last night in Nottingham and tomorrow in Brighton. And as you stand in the audience feeling somewhat disorientated by scale, the performers cavorting about so hugely, the Brobdingnags of rock'n'roll, gurning and aw-shucksing and telling the crowd how very grateful they are to be there, how much they love this city, and what a truly amazing crowd you are, the room about you seems to balloon to twice its size.

In the last year I have seen venues reduced to the size of a teaspoon: I think about AA Bondy, third on the bill at the Luminaire last December, stomping the floor in an electrifying rendition of John the Revelator. I think of the Felice Brothers howling and hollering through Frankie's Gun at the 100 Club two weeks ago, of Bon Iver stilling the room at the Social with The Wolves; I think about Laura Marling, her voice falling cool and crisp and clear on the audience of the Soho Revue Bar. They rendered those rooms "so infinitesimally scaled" as Seamus Heaney says, "we could stream through the eye of a needle".

And I think that this is what truly great performance is really about: the process of condensation. With so many bands, so much of their act is mere flouncy evaporation, pale vapour rising worthlessly into the night air. But when Springsteen takes to the stage, somehow he succeeds in distilling the venue, the audience, the music itself - he boils an entire stadium down to its very essence.

See Also

Kylie back with Oliver Martinez?

Pop singer Kylie Minogue has reunited with former boyfriend Olivier Martinez after a year apart, according to reports published in several UK papers.
The pair have been seen strolling arm-in-arm in the streets of Paris, where Martinez, 42, lives, sparking the reports.Minogue, 39, was also photographed leaving his apartment to take his dog Sheba for a walk.
"Kylie has taken him back - with a new set of rules," a friend of Minogue's told the Daily Mail.
"Ollie has agreed to try for a baby. That was always the stumbling block in their relationship. They have both been single for a year and Kylie has realised she has never had anyone that has matched up to him."
Minogue arrived in Paris last Sunday for the NRJ Music Awards and spent the following days with Martinez.
"She has always described him as the love of her life," a member of Martinez's family told The Sun.
"Who knows what might happen? We would certainly like to see them back together."